Plenty of Fish in the Sea

fun, cheeky, inventive and unsettling for all those who are lost at sea. from Clockfire Theatre Company.


“Theatre-making of the highest level” ★★★★★ —The List UK // “Ingenious, liberating, brilliant” ★★★★★ —Stage Whispers // “Inventive staging, hilariously physical performances” ★★★★★ —InReview // “Beautiful, committed, evolved” —Au Arts Review

playing at 11:25 am daily

studio 2

playing at 11:25 am daily ★ studio 2 ★

A castaway is saved from the surging seas. Conversation is sparse and he comes face to face with a startling kind of hook-up culture. An absurdist fable begins as a story of rescue and unfolds as an unsettling dissection of dreams and desire. Have you ever grappled with dating apps? This is physical and visual theatre which creates a world that spins a different kind of net and has us caught - hook, line, and sinker!

  • Showing: 1st Aug - 24th Aug (except 11th and 19th)

  • Venue: Studio 2, George Square

  • Show timing: 11.25am daily

  • Show duration: 45 minutes.

  • Age guidance: 14 years and over.

  • Content info: scenes of a sexual nature.

Watch the trailer


Miriam Attwood:

Zoë Robinson

Marketing and communications consultant supporting businesses and organisations in the UK with intelligent branding and effective communications.

Of The Land On Which We Meet


Summer of Harold